Saturday, August 15, 2009

Mad Men Sewing Contest

The TV show Mad Men starts August 16th. Banana Republic held a casting call contest. When I was in San Francisco - the windows where full of Mad Men inspired clothing. The vintage sewing blog: Sew Retro is hosting a sewing contest based on the characters from the show. The prize will be a gift certificate for $25 worth of patterns from my company (Patterns from the Past) plus free shipping. You must be a member of Sew Retro to participate in the contest.

What you probably don't know is that I sold 7 patterns to the Mad Men Costume dept. in April. I can't tell you what I sold them until I see them on the air. Who where they sewing the patterns for?? The costume department usually purchases vintage clothing for the show - so I was thrilled to hear from them. I am a HUGE fan of the show. Stay tuned for more info!


  1. It is amazing to see Pierre Cardin's name on the envelope.

  2. Anonymous10:24 PM

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